Frequently Asked Questions

A Dubai Desert Safari is a popular tourist activity that takes you on a journey into the vast and beautiful Arabian Desert. The trip typically includes a variety of activities such as dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, traditional BBQ dinners, and cultural performances.

Activities during a Desert Safari can include dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, quad biking, henna painting, photography in traditional Arabian clothes, belly dance performances, and a traditional BBQ dinner.

It is recommended to wear light, comfortable clothing. Closed shoes, sunblock, sunglasses, and hats are advisable due to the hot and sunny weather. It can get cooler in the evening, so it’s a good idea to bring a light jacket.

Yes, Desert Safaris in Dubai are generally safe. Tour operators follow safety protocols and guidelines, and vehicles used for dune bashing are equipped with roll cages and other safety features. However, it’s advised that people with certain medical conditions, pregnant women, and very young children avoid certain activities like dune bashing.

Yes, children can participate in a Desert Safari, although there may be age restrictions for certain activities like dune bashing or quad biking. Children usually enjoy activities like camel rides and sandboarding.

A typical Desert Safari lasts about 5-6 hours, including travel time to and from the desert. Some packages offer overnight stays for a more immersive desert experience.

Dubai is an Islamic city and it’s important to respect local customs. Dress modestly, avoid public displays of affection, and ask for permission before taking photographs of people.

It is recommended to book your Desert Safari in advance, especially during peak tourist season to ensure availability. You can book through a reputable tour operator or through your hotel concierge.

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